Histrionic personality disorder and pathological lying go hand in hand. They are both attention seekers and they are both connected with early childhood. Once a person has at least one of these mental illnesses, there is really no way to get rid of it. People, mostly women, that have HPD are self-indulgent, self-centered, and dependant on others. They will tell stories of unrealistic fantasies and claim it to be their life story. Sometimes they show intense anger in inappropriate situations, particularly if they are being challenged. They may even attempt manipulative suicide threats in order to gain the attention they are seeking. It just comes with the disorder. When it comes to their emotions, they are shallow. They do not understand others or themselves at any depth and so they do not even try. They only believe the fantasies that they tell themselves is the reality.
Pathological liars are also called mythomaniacs and they take on many of the same characteristics of a person that suffers from HPD. They will exaggerate things to no end that make the situations utterly ridiculous. They always need to do things better than any other person they come in contact with. No matter what or who, it or they, are. They make their own reality around themselves and do not value honesty to any degree. When called out on one of their lies they will react in intense anger depending on their personality. Another two things that go hand in hand are honesty and loyalty. So if the honesty is not valued, neither is the loyalty. They will embellish a story to make a person(s) look work worse than they really are. Over time they contradict what they say and will also change their stories to create other fantasies. The worst attribute of a pathological liar (and possibly the scariest) is that they believe their own fantasy made up stories themselves. Every lie that they tell, becomes a reality to them.
Did I just describe someone that you know? Maybe I just described you. People like this are all around us. I may have just described your best friend, mother, father, husband, wife, or even yourself. So let me ask you, what can be done about this? There is no cure except for therapy. But even for therapy to work the person will need to be telling the truth and that is impossible for a person with these attributes. So really, there is no cure.
The people that I myself have come in contact with that have all of these characteristics, are also somewhat of hypochondriacs. They will claim that they have some sort of illness or injury that stops them from pretty much doing anything, at all. Once they make this claim, then it becomes their reality and they will truly believe that they have that illness or injury. They will even go so far as to have major surgery to make their claims real to everyone else. If one doctor turns them away and refuses to do the surgery, they move on to the next doctor until they find one that will perform surgery on them. Sad.
What is even more sad is the people that will go along with their stories and believe them. Those people will turn on everyone else as well. That's double sad. I could go on and on about this whole thing but I think I will cut it short here. Maybe I'll write more about it later because I have a lot to say about the subject. Peace to all.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
burton snowboarding
Shaun White is a pimp. Pure pimp. He is the pimpest of all that is pimp. There is no one more pimp than the pimpest pimp of them all, Shaun White.
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